Summer school in mining planning and operations 2020
For the third consecutive year, the Summer School in Mine Planning and Operations was held. A training instance aimed at undergraduate students of final years of mining-related careers, organized by Delphos Mine Planning Laboratory, the Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), and the Department of Mine Engineering (DIMIN), belonging to the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Chile and which was developed from January 13th to 24, 2020.
Read more: Summer school in mining planning and operations 2020
Delphos outstanding participation in MPES Conference 2019
During the 2nd and 4th of December of 2019, the 28th MPES 2019 Conference (Mine Planning and Equipment Selection) was held in Perth, Western Australia. It should be noted that MPES has become one of the most prestigious international forums to discuss and promote the technological transfer internationally in mining, with a particular focus on the development and application of new methods and technologies for mining planning and equipment.
Read more: Delphos outstanding participation in MPES Conference 2019
Delphos Laboratory organizes a workshop on mine planning
For one week, between November 11 and 15, 2019, Delphos Laboratory organized a new version of the annual Workshop on Mine Planning. The workshop participants were academics, researchers, and students (primarily postgraduate) from the universities of Antofagasta, Concepción and Talca, in Chile. Newcastle University (England), Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología (Peru), Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and Universidad Federal de Ouro Preto (Brazil) participated from abroad.
Read more: Delphos Laboratory organizes a workshop on mine planning
Delphos researcher conducts short research internship at UNAL - Colombia
Dr. Enrique Jélvez, researcher at the Delphos Laboratory and the Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), was invited to make a short stay of collaboration at the Faculty of Mines - Medellin Headquarters, of the National University of Colombia (UNAL in Spanish), for two weeks, between November 18th and 29th, 2019. The invitation was made by Dr. Giovanni Franco, professor in the Department of Materials and Minerals.
Read more: Delphos researcher conducts short research internship at UNAL - Colombia
Outstanding participation of AMTC in SEMINVAL PUCV 2019
Between the 17th and 19th of October 2019, the Seminar of Mining Valparaiso (SEMINVAL 2019), a regional activity organized by the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, was held, which seeks to promote, coordinate, and develop a plan to integrate and exchange experiences with the actors of different mining entities in the country, to generate comprehensive and quality training between exhibitors and mine engineering students.
Read more: Outstanding participation of AMTC in SEMINVAL PUCV 2019
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