Peer-reviewed publications (ISI - Science Citation Index)
Enrique Jelvez, Nelson Morales, Julian Ortiz (2021), Stochastic final pit limits: an efficient frontier analysis under geological uncertainty in the open-pit mining industry, Mathematics (accepted in special issue "Optimization for Decision Making III").
Utili, S., Agosti, A., Morales, N. et al. (2022) Optimal Pitwall Shapes to Increase Financial Return and Decrease Carbon Footprint of Open Pit Mines. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration.
Nelson Morales, Diego Mancilla, Roberto Miranda, Javier Vallejos (2022), A fast method to develop an optimal operational sublevel stope design, accepted in Resources Policies.
Pierre Nancel-Penard, Nelson Morales, Fabien Cornillier (2022), A recursive time aggregation-disaggregation heuristic for the multidimensional and multiperiod precedence-constrained knapsack problem: an application to the open-pit mine block sequencing problem, accepted in European Journal of Operational Research.
Nelson Morales, Pierre Nancel-Penard, Nelson Espejo (2021), Development and analysis of a methodology to generate operational open-pit mine ramp designs automatically, Optimization and Engineering (accepted).
José Pablo Espinoza, Mauricio Mascaró, Nelson Morales, Javier Ruiz del Solar (2022),Improving productivity in block/panel caving through dynamic confinement of semi-autonomous Load-Haul-Dump machines, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment.
Peer-reviewed publications (ISI - Science Citation Index)
Gonzalo Nelis, Nelson Morales (2021), "A mathematical model for the scheduling and definition of mining cuts in short-term mine planning", Optimization and Engineering (online), 1-25.
Pierre Nancel-Penard & Nelson Morales (2021). Optimizing pushback design considering minimum mining width for open pit strategic planning. Engineering Optimization (in press).
Mohammad Maleki, Nasser Madani & Enrique Jélvez (2021). Geostatistical algorithm selection for mineral resources assessment and its impact on open-pit production planning considering metal grade boundary effect. Natural Resources Research (in press).
Gonzalo Nelis, Frédéric Meunier, Nelson Morales (2021), Column Generation for Mining Cut Definition with Geometallurgical Interactions, Natural Resources Research (accepted).
Fabián Manríquez, Héctor González, Nelson Morales (2021), Short-term open-pit production scheduling optimizing multiple objectives accounting for shovel allocation in stockpiles, Optimization and Engineering.
Peer-reviewed publications (no ISI)
Gonzalo Nelis & Nelson Morales (2021). A comparison of mining cut definition and scheduling algorithms for open-pit short-term mine planning. In Proceedings of APCOM2021, Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica, pp. 55 - 67.
Isleem Kaabachi, Frederic Meunier & Nelson Morales (2021). Optimising the ramp design in an open-pit mine. In Proceedings of APCOM2021, Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica, pp. 365 - 376.
Nelson Morales, Enrique Jélvez, Gerson Morales, Fabián Soto, Gonzalo Díaz, Felipe Navarro (2021). PYRAMP - A platform for resource assessment and mine planning in Jupyter. In Proceedings of APCOM2021, Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica, pp. 569 - 583.
Mohammad Maleki, Enrique Jélvez, Xavier Emery & Nelson Morales (2021). Assessing the impact of geology, ore grades and recovery uncertainties into production scheduling. In Proceedings of GEOMIN-MINEPLANNING 2021, Santiago, Chile, pp. 193 - 195.
David Meneses & Enrique Jélvez (2021). Planificación de la producción con capacidades de producción flexibles en minería a cielo abierto. In Proceedings of GEOMIN-MINEPLANNING 2021, Santiago, Chile, pp. 329 - 331. (spanish)
Luis Álvarez & Nelson Morales (2021). Optimización de planificación de preparación de corto plazo en panel caving. In Proceedings of GEOMIN-MINEPLANNING 2021, Santiago, Chile, pp. 241 - 242 (spanish).
Stefano Utili, Andrea Agosti & Nelson Morales (2021). OptimalSlope: a software to determine optimal pitwall shapes which maximises mining financial returns while minimising carbon footprint. In Proceedings of GEOMIN-MINEPLANNING 2021, Santiago, Chile, pp. 303 - 307.
S Abulkhair, N Madani and N. Morales (2021). Reproduction of inequality constraint between iron and silica for accurate production scheduling. In Proceedings of Iron Ore Conference, Perth, Australia, pp. 531 - 541.
Peer-reviewed publications (ISI - Science Citation Index)
Pierre Nancel-Penard, Nelson Morales, Valentina Rojas & Tomás González (2020). A heuristic approach for scheduling activities with "OR"-precedence constraints at an underground mine. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Volume 34(10), 748-762.
Fabián Manríquez, Javier Pérez & Nelson Morales. A simulation-optimization framework for short-term underground mine production scheduling. Optimization and Engineering. 21, 939–971.
Enrique Jelvez, Nelson Morales & Hooman Askari-Nasab (2020). A new model for automated pushback selection. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 115, 104456. (This paper belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advances in Mine Planning, Scheduling and Optimisation: Theory and Applications).
Enrique Jelvez, Nelson Morales, Pierre Nancel-Penard & Fabien Cornillier (2020). A new hybrid heuristic algorithm for the Precedence Constrained Production Scheduling Problem: A mining application. Omega, Volume 94, 102046.
Mohammad Maleki, Enrique Jelvez, Xavier Emery, Nelson Morales (2020). Stochastic open-pit mine production scheduling: a case study of an iron deposit. Minerals, 10(7), 585. (This paper belongs to the Special Issue: Geological Modelling, Volume II).
Peer-reviewed Publications (no ISI)
Carlos Toledo & Nelson Morales (2020). An application of Direct Block Scheduling for short-term construction in panel caving. In Proceedings of MASSMIN2020, Santiago, Chile, pp. 850 - 861.
Enrique Jelvez, Matías Caro, Nelson Morales & Alex Carpanetti (2020). A comparison between conventional nested pits based on LG and an extended approach for generating nested pits in open-pit mine production. In Proceedings of MASSMIN2020, Santiago, Chile, pp. 1421 - 1433.
Cristóbal Cerón, Pierre Nancel-Penard & Nelson Morales (2020). Application of a semi-automatic method for optimal ramp design. In Proceedings of MASSMIN2020, Santiago, Chile, pp. 1434 - 1441.
Ricardo Moreno, Manuel Reyes-Jara & Pierre Nancel-Penard (2020). A comparison between open-pit ramp design obtained by varying design characteristics and through linear optimization. In Proceedings of MASSMIN2020, Santiago, Chile, pp. 1442 - 1450.
Valeria Loor & Nelson Morales (2020). Applying artificial intelligence for optimal production scheduling and phase design in open-pit mining. In Proceedings of MASSMIN2020, Santiago, Chile, pp. 1451 - 1466.
Luis Alvarez & Nelson Morales (2020). Optimización de planificación de desarrollo y preparación de corto plazo en minería subterránea, In Journal of Mining Engineering and Research 2(2).
Peer-reviewed publications (ISI - Science Citation Index)
Pierre Nancel-Penard, Andrés Parra, Nelson Morales, Cristopher Díaz & Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart (2019). Value-optimal design of ramps in open-pit mining. Archives of Mining Sciences. Volume 64, N° 2, pp. 399-413.
Nelson Morales, Sebastián Seguel, Alejandro Cáceres, Enrique Jélvez & Maximiliano Alarcón (2019). Incorporation of geometallurgical attributes and geological uncertainty into long-term open-pit mine planning. Minerals, 9(2), 108. (This paper belongs to the Special Issue: Geometallurgy).
Fabián Manríquez, Nelson Morales, Gastón Pinilla & Iván Piñeyro (2019). Discrete event simulation to design open-pit mine production policy in the event of snowfall. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. Volume 33, N° 8, pp. 572-588.
Peer-reviewed Conference Publications (no ISI)
Nelson Espejo, Nelson Morales & Pierre Nancel-Penard (2019). A methodology for automatic ramp design in open-pit mines. Journal of Mining Engineering & Research, Volume 1, N° 2, pp. 87-93.
Felipe Orellana, Nelson Morales & Enrique Jelvez (2019). Modelo integrado de simulación y optimización para planes mineros de corto plazo en minería a cielo abierto. Journal of Mining Engineering & Research, Volume 1, N° 2, pp. 150-158.
Enrique Jelvez, Nelson Morales & Julian Ortiz (2019). Impact of geological uncertainty at different stages of the open-pit mine production planning process. In Proceedings of the 28° MPES 2019, Perth, Australia, pp. 83-91.
Sergio Montané, Pierre Nacel-Penard & Nelson Morales (2019). Optimization and sequencing a semiautomated ramp design in underground mining: a case study. In Proceedings of the 28° MPES, Perth, Australia, pp. 139-145.
Fabián Manríquez, Héctor González, & Nelson Morales (2019). Short-term open-pit production scheduling with hierarchical objectives. In Proceedings of the 39° APCOM 2019, Wrocław, Polonia, pp. 443-451.
Gonzalo Nelis, Nelson Morales & Julián Ortíz (2019). Performance assessment of antithetic random fields in a stochastic mine planning model. In Proceedings of the 39° APCOM 2019, Wrocław, Polonia, pp. 300-308.
Nelson Espejo, Pierre Nancel-Penard & Nelson Morales (2019). A procedure to generate optimized ramp designs using mathematical programming. In Proceedings of the 39° APCOM 2019, Wrocław, Polonia, pp. 272-278.
Valentina Rojas, Tomás González & Nelson Morales (2019). Optimization of an annual mining development plan using mathematical programming. In Proceedings of 6° International Conference on Geology and Mine Planning - Geomin-Mineplanning 2019, Santiago, Chile, pp. 272-280.
Josué González & Nelson Morales (2019). Simulation and optimization of bench-mining sequences using fully mobile in-pit sizer and conveyor systems. In Proceedings of 6° International Conference on Geology and Mine Planning - Geomin-Mineplanning 2019, Santiago, Chile, pp. 261-271.
Héctor González, Nelson Morales & Fabián Manríquez (2019). Loading equipment planning considering optimization and simulation for the fulfilment of a production plan in open pit mining. In Proceedings of 6° International Conference on Geology and Mine Planning - Geomin-Mineplanning 2019, Santiago, Chile, pp. 290-298.
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