DELPHOS Software can be licensed for commercial or academic use. Please contact the technology transfer office to obtain licenses for your institution or a quote for a commercial license.


The following institutions have obtained academic licenses


Institution Número de Licenses
DOPPLER     DSIM      MineLink    UDESS  
Axion 2     2
Instituto Tecnológico VALE   1    
Nazarbayev University 30 33 33  
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso 30 30   30
TMU (Irán)   25    
Universidad de Antofagasta 21 21   21
Universidad de Concepción 20 30    
Universidad de La Serena 25 25   25
Universidad de Talca 30 30   30
Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello 63 33   33
Universidad Nacional de Colombia 10 10   10
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 14      
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto 30 30   30
Total 275 268 33 181


Delphos Simulator (DSim) is a tool for discrete event simulation designed specifically for mining. This tool has a set of "Objects" or "Agents" that interact to give life to the operation of a mine. Thus, it is possible to estimate, using a reference plan, distributions of events and the interaction between these agents, key elements such as productivity of the transport system, cycle times, capacity production management, among others.

MineLink is a library of data structures for mine planning, mining scheduling problems and algorithms to solve them. The goal of MineLink is to help development in the area of algorithmics for mine planning by providing a set of tools and well stated problems to work on.

The focus of the library is, first of all, ease of use, with secondary goals being: flexibility, expandability, and computional power.

UDESS is a tool developed in Delphos with the initial motivation for planning, simultaneously, production and construction of block and panel caving mines. This stems from the concern that, when undertaken in stages (first production and then construction) inefficiencies occur in the final result, which may be suboptimal or even infeasible.

DOPPLER (Delphos Open Pit Planner) is a graphical user interface (GUI) platform developed for the use of MineLink. This application is developed in Qt environment through PyQt binding and provides a number of tools to address several issues in open pit mining, such as recovery from block models, calculation of the final pit, calculation of nested pits and short, medium and long term scheduling. For this DOPPLER offers a simple and intuitive interface for the usage of most of the tools that MineLink has, this application also features visualization tools and the most common tools of graphical analysis in open pit mine planning.