Delphos Summer School in Mine Planning 2019
With great success, a high call and the final presentation of the projects developed by the eight interuniversity working groups ended the Second Delphos Summer School on mine planning, an activity aimed at undergraduate students of last years of careers related to mining and organized by the Delphos Mine Planning Laboratory, dependent of the Advanced Center of Technology for Mining, AMTC and the Department of Mining Engineering of the University of Chile.
Delphos in OPTIMA 2015
Delphos helps to create bridges between the Operations Research comunity and mining by partipating in OPTIMA 2015.
- Morales N., "Nuevos desafíos para el modelamiento en planificación minera", in OPTIMA 2015, Antofagasta, Chile. (plenary session)
- Nancel-Penard P., Cornillier F., Morales N., "A hybrid improvement heuristic for the constrained pit problem in open pit mining", in OPTIMA 2015, Antofagasta, Chile.
- Lobiano C., Morales N., Vallejos J., "Integración del peligro sísmico en planificación minera de Panel Caving", in OPTIMA 2015, Antofagasta, Chile.
- Toro H., Morales N., "Modelo de agendamiento de actividades de preparación minera de corto plazo", in OPTIMA 2015, Antofagasta, Chile.
Introducción a la Planificación Minera
1 Planificación Minera
La planificación minera es la actividad que define el proceso mediante el cual se transforma el recurso mineral en el mejor negocio
Delphos at APCOM 2015
Delphos will be present at APCOM 2015. This conference will be held in May 2015, at Fairbanks, Alaska. The papers to be presented are:
- Maximiliano Alarcón, Xavier Emery and Nelson Morales, "Using simulation to assess the trade-off between value and reliability in open pit planning".
- Nelson Morales, Enrique Jélvez, Pierre Nancel-Penard, Alexandre Marinho and Octávio Guimarães, "A Comparison of Conventional and Direct Block Scheduling Methods for Open Pit Mine Production Scheduling".
- Nelson Morales, Alejandra Gómez and Javier Vallejos, "Multi-criteria optimization for scheduling of a bench and fill mine".
- Cecilia Julio, Jorge Amaya, Amina Lamghari and Nelson Morales, "Optimal Economic Envelope of Joint Open-Pit and Underground Mines".
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