On January 25th, 2022, the student of Master in Mining of the Delphos Laboratory, Pablo Reyes, passed his degree exam, defending his thesis titled "Construction of methodology for evaluation of five-year mining plans considering multiple power sources and metallurgical variables". The evaluation committee was made up of Nelson Morales Varela, Enrique Jélvez Montenegro and José Delgado Vega.
His research focused on finding a five-year economic evaluation that receives input from open pit mines such as sublevel stopping mines with respect to the economic impact that could mean the direct scheduling of blocks for open pit projects. Pablo Reyes is an Industrial Civil Mining Engineer from the University of Antofagasta. He has 8 years of experience in the mining industry. He is currently head of Engineering at the Mantos de la Luna Mining Company and plans to continue with the application in mining of tools that ensure the continuity and competitiveness of mining activity over time, leading work teams that look at the future of the industry as a great opportunity to improve.
Pablo tells us about his experience in the master's program, in Delphos and the Department of Mining Engineering of the University of Chile as a great experience that returned him to the traditional chair with a high level of demand, which he appreciates because he considers it important to maintain the formative part at a high level. The demand is what will keep the labor market with well-trained professionals ready to contribute to the industry.
Congratulations to the new Master in Mining!