On January 25th, 2022, the Master's student in Mining at the Delphos Laboratory, Valentina Rojas, passed her degree exam, defending her thesis titled "Methodology of Optimization of Mining Preparation Plan Considering Operational Uncertainty". The evaluation committee was made up of Nelson Morales Varela, Ernesto Arancibia, Édison Ramírez and Javier Pérez.

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Her research consisted of generating a planning methodology for a mining preparation plan that allows strengthening the plan obtained by considering different indices affected by operational uncertainty. Valentina Rojas is a Civil Mining Engineer from the University of Chile. She currently works as a Mining Engineer in Modular Mining in the Performance Assurance team, whose mission is to accompany and assist the client to obtain the maximum value from the product. Her plan for the future is to continue in Modular Mining, since it is a company that offers many multidisciplinary work opportunities, a good work environment and the best of both worlds: work in Santiago with occasional visits to the different sites that have the technology offered by Modular Mining.

For Valentina, her time at Delphos was excellent, highlighting the value of research in the area of Mining and the importance of encouraging technology transfer to industry.  "Thanks to Delphos, in particular Nelson Morales, I had the opportunity to participate in international conferences, seminars and teaching, activities that I never thought I would do and that helped me enormously to improve my skills as a professional."

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Congratulations to the new Master in Mining!