With a high participation, the fifth version of the Summer School of Mine Planning and Operations Delphos 2022 was successfully carried out virtually, organized by the Delphos Mine Planning Laboratory, a joint unit of the Department of Mining Engineering and the Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), in partnership with the Geological Engineering Laboratory (EGL), aimed at engineering students in the mining area.


Clausura edv 2022

Image: Closing of the Summer School 2022


The purpose of this activity is to bring students closer to the approaches of the different stages involved in mine planning, both open pit and underground mining, making known advanced developments in mine planning and its associated disciplines, both in modeling techniques and in applications in real cases and thereby generate the best productive business.

This fifth version had the participation of more than 100 students belonging to 17 chilean universities and 20 houses of study from Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru.

On the first week the students saw topics related to geological resource estimation, open pit and underground mine planning, open pit and underground mine operations, planning under uncertainty and simulation for the characterization of rock massif properties. At the same time, they received training in the software produced by the Delphos Mine Planning Laboratory: DOPLER and DSIM. During the second week, students participated in technical talks given by professionals from academia and industry, covering current mining issues and challenges towards the future.

The presentations have been carried out by exhibitors from academia and the mining industry:

  • Xavier Emery, PhD., senior lecturer, department of mining engineering. Principal investigator, AMTC. University of Chile, Chile. "Evaluation of geological resources and mine reserves. Geological uncertainty modeling".
  • Carlos Arroyo, PhD., professor and researcher - department of mining engineering - school of mines, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil. "Planning under geological uncertainty. Cut-off grade and final pit laws considering variable recovery".
  • Giovanni Franco, PhD., professor, faculty of mines. Director of the Mine Planning Group, GIPLAMIN. National University of Colombia, Colombia. "Planning under market uncertainty and its impact on the valorization of mining projects and metaheuristics in mining".
  • Nelson Morales, PhD., professor, department of civil, geological and mining engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada. "Planning under geological uncertainty. Cut-off grade and final pit laws considering variable recovery".
  • Fabián Manríquez, PhD., assistant professor, department of metallurgical engineering and mines, North Catholic University, Chile. "Operational uncertainty in open pit mines".
  • Rodrigo de Lemos Peroni, PhD., associate professor and LPM director, department of mining engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. "Mining routes and strip mining projects in open pit mining".
  • Kimie Suzuki, PhD., assistant professor, department of mining engineering. Associate researcher, AMTC. University of Chile, Chile. "Characterization and simulation of rock massif properties in methods with subsidence".
  • Adeline Delonca, PhD., assistant professor, department of metallurgical and materials engineering, Technical University Federico Santa María, Chile. "Risk management in underground mining".
  • Sergio Palma, PhD., assistant professor, department of metallurgical and materials engineering, Technical University Federico Santa María, Chile. "Scientific and technological challenges in gravitational flows and their applications in underground mining".
  • Luis Felipe Orellana, PhD., assistant professor, department of mining engineering. Associate researcher, AMTC. University of Chile, Chile. "Challenges of high-effort in underground mining".
  • Gonzalo Nelis, PhD., academic, department of civil engineering in metallurgy, University of Concepción, Chile. "Geometallurgy, linearity and mine planning: state of the art and applications".
  • Alejandro Cáceres, M in Science. Geologist, principal consultant, GeoInnova and Sebastián Seguel, civil mining engineer. Project engineer, GeoInnova. "Value of Information (VOI) in the Short-Medium Term Mine Planning process".
  • Pablo Reyes, M in engineering, head of engineering, Mantos de la Luna Mining Company and Gustavo Aedo, geologist, geotechnical geologist, Mantos de la Luna Mining Company. "Implementation and application of photogrammetry and cloud of topographic points in the update of geotechnical mappings for stability analysis".
  • Stephanie Wilhelm, civil mining engineer. Project manager in Mining and Environment Limited (MYMA in spanish). "Mine Permits and Planning".
  • Eduardo Viera Quezada, civil mining engineer. Superintendence of planning - management of mining resources and development, DET - CODELCO. "Mud extraction practices in Caving mining".
  • Nicolás Jammet, civil mining engineer. Superintendent of mine operation, Chuquicamata underground mine project - CODELCO. "Chuquicamata Subterráne: engine of transformation for the mining of the future".
  • Héctor Painevilo, civil mining engineer. Manager of Portafolio of Product, TIMining. "How to ensure compliance with mining plans using digital mining tools 4.0".

At the closure ceremony, professor Enrique Jélvez, PhD, director of the Delphos Mine Planning Laboratory and professor Luis Felipe Orellana, PhD, director of the EPG (Geological Engineering Laboratory), expressed their satisfaction after having shared in this virtual meeting with students from different universities. They expressed their gratitude to the national and international participants for their interest in discussing issues relevant to modern mining. The contribution of all the participants in this discussion is very valuable and at the close of this edition, the desire to continue with this activity is manifested to feed the knowledge and promote the good relationship between the participants of different universities and countries.