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Michel Gamache, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Polytechnique in Montreal-Canada, completed a short two-week stay at the Delphos Mine Planning Laboratory. This stay aimed to complete the publication of two articles collaborating with Dr. Nelson Morales and two students who made research stays in Canada, namely Pedro Sanhueza and Héctor González, thanks to the Canada-Chile Leadership Exchange Scholarships that these students obtained in 2018 and 2019, respectively.

Another objective of this exchange of experiences was to learn about how the internal organization of Delphos Laboratory works, as Prof. Gamache intends to start his own Research Laboratory, extend ties with the mining industry, cooperate with the training of pre and postgraduate students through internships in both Chile and Canada, etc.

In words (translated into Spanish) by Prof. Gamache: "I finish my stay happy. The whole human group in Delphos is very kind and friendly. I really enjoyed my visit to Chile and share in the Laboratory. I hope we can maintain and strengthen collaboration in the future."

About Michel Gamache.

Michel Gamache (Ph.D.) is a full professor in the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at the Politechnique in Montreal. His research interests include Operations Research, Scheduling, Dispatch, and Mine Planning Optimization. Within this topic, Dr. Gamache has researched Open pit and underground mine planning, real-time planning, automation and digitization of the mining industry, and Mining Industry 4.0.

He is a member of the Decision Analysis Research Group (GERAD), Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO), and Poly-Industry Laboratory 4.0.

He has directed numerous master's and doctoral thesis and is the author and co-author of several indexed publications.

For more details, visit his website.